
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

the island of dragons

This week i am going to share some of my silent writing with plase have a read of it thank you. Dragons wander around in the sky and there is a lot of other species of dragons some live in the lava and some live in the water there are some many more species to find there is earth dragon  fire dragon water dragon wind dragon melon dragon agent dragon smoke dragon ghost dragon ice dragon snow dragon cloud dragon and many more dragons and now i start with the story I slowly opened my eyes and have no idea how i got here. it was after I jumped out of a boat with a Friend. Because the boat came on fire because a fireball shot from the sky now i’m on an island stuck with my friend Travis and on the island there are dragons lots of dragons. When Travis woke up i ran to him to see if he was OK and Travis was OK next Travis said “where are we Lincoln next Lincoln said “I don’t know but I know we are on an island. So Lincoln and Travis search all of the island to find the dragons next it was getting dark next they found a cave they went inside and made a fire next some  dragons came out of the cave. And they were baby dragon so we gave them some food from my bag what came with me to the island of dragon Lincoln only had spiked cherries. So the baby dragons ate and ate next Lincoln looked into his bag he could not find any more spiked cherries. So Lincoln and Travis stayed in the cave for the night when it was the next Lincoln woke up at 5 past morning to get the baby dragon’s food and Travis’s food and his he got the baby dragon’s food first next he got Travis food next he got his food next he got his next he went to the cave he could not see anyone in the cave when he saw Travis but Travis saw dyed. From the baby dragon’s hunger but he left a note. It said “i am did not die i have found a way to get home met me at the beach and i have the dragons” so Lincoln ran to the beach and saw Travis Then Lincoln died from another person on the island.
The end.

The tie and necklace holder

For PBL my group did the tie and necklace holder because we thought that it would help a lot of people's problems like my mum's necklace her necklace's get a tangled up so we made the tie and necklace holder that was are second thing we had to do because the adventure backpack was our first thing. We had to change because of the teachers made us change are idea from the adventure backpack to the tie and necklace holder on Wednesday we did our PBL convention invention. The year 7\8 did business cards my brother Connor and my brother friend Pacis they did putting homeless people in homes and there was a lot of people who came to our stand.             

Tumu hub trip to the Museum

Tumu hub trip to the Museum 

On the 16th of September we went on a bus to the Museum we did two rotations one with the class and one with groups my groups was with Travis,James,Lara,Elise,Corine and Oliver the first thing we looked at was the Asian arts there was swords and armor then next we went to the Antarctica thing then we looked at the Egyptian stuff we looked at the the mummy's sleeping place . Next we went to the costume stuff from a long time ago and there was some badges from a long time ago. Next we went to have lunch at the gardens right next to the museum then we ate then after we went to the other part of the museum want was the Maori part of the museum and we went to this thing what we did was very fun. we did was making a little canoe and five more of them.